Traitement et réutilisation des eaux usées par procédés membranaires (thèse 2019 - 2022)
traitement des eaux usées
réutilisation des eaux usées
procédés membranaires
Publications scientifiques au M2P2
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩ Plus de détails...
Sturgeon farming requires special attention. In addition to a relatively long rearing, climate change has resulted in increasingly high temperatures favorable to the emergence of pathogens. The control of water quality is essential especially the first years of life of the fish to prevent a mimivirus (AcIV-E) and a mycobacterium (Mycobacterium liflandii). These crises can lead to significant mortality (up to 70%) and have only been documented in hatchery populations where mortality can reach as high as 100 %. Mycobacterium liflandii, fatally affects young generations of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) mainly in year N + 1 with mortalities reaching 30 % when river temperatures rise above 21 °C (summer period). The retention of these pathogenic microorganisms and of total flora by ultrafiltration was evaluated at a semi-industrial scale. The first part focuses on the specific removal of mimivirus, total flora and mycobacteria and the second part aims to evaluate over the long term (5 months) the hydraulic performances of the ultrafiltration process. Although the temperature (maximum 21 °C) was not sufficient for the mycobacteria to be detected, a good retention of mimiviruses (up to 4.7 log removal) and total flora was observed throughout the study. A more stable water quality was obtained after ultrafiltration and this work confirms the potential great interest of ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production.
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩ Plus de détails...
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩
J. Yang, M. Monnot, Y. Sun, L. Asia, P. Wong-Wah-Chung, et al.. Microplastics in different water samples (seawater, freshwater, and wastewater): Removal efficiency of membrane treatment processes. Water Research, 2023, 232, pp.119673. ⟨10.1016/j.watres.2023.119673⟩. ⟨hal-03989908⟩ Plus de détails...
The distribution and fate of microplastics in different water sources and their treatment plants (seawater, three municipal wastewaters, a pharmaceutical factory wastewater, and three drinking waters) in France were studied. Currently, research in this field is still under exploration since almost no relevant standards or policies have been introduced for the detection, the removal, or the discharge of microplastics. This study used an improved quantitative and qualitative analytical methodology for microplastic detection by μ-FTIR carried out with siMPle analytical software. By investigation, wastewater was determined to contain the most abundant microplastics in quantity (4,203-42,000 MP·L-1), then followed by surface water/groundwater (153-19,836 MP·L-1) and seawater (around 420 MP·L-1). Polyethylene was the dominant material in almost all water types followed by polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyethylene terephthalate. Almost all treatment technologies could remove microplastics whatever the feed water types and concentration of microplastics, though some treatment processes or transport pipes could cause additional contamination from microplastics. The four WWTPs, three DWTPs, and SWTP in France provided, respectively, 87.8-99.8%, 82.3-99.9%, 69.0-96.0% removal/retention of MPs in quantity, and provided 97.3-100%, 91.9-99.9%, 92.2-98.1% removal/retention of MPs in surface area. Moreover, ultrafiltration was confirmed to be an effective technology for microplastic retention and control of dimensions of microplastics in smaller ranges both in field-scale and lab-scale experiments. The 200 kDa ultrafiltration membrane could retain 70-100% and 80-100% of microplastics in quantity and in surface area, respectively.
J. Yang, M. Monnot, Y. Sun, L. Asia, P. Wong-Wah-Chung, et al.. Microplastics in different water samples (seawater, freshwater, and wastewater): Removal efficiency of membrane treatment processes. Water Research, 2023, 232, pp.119673. ⟨10.1016/j.watres.2023.119673⟩. ⟨hal-03989908⟩
J. Yang, M. Monnot, Y. Sun, L. Asia, P. Wong-Wah-Chung, et al.. Microplastics in different water samples (seawater, freshwater, and wastewater): Methodology approach for characterization using micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Water Research, 2023, 232, pp.119711. ⟨10.1016/j.watres.2023.119711⟩. ⟨hal-04055825⟩ Plus de détails...
Microplastics of millimeter dimensions have been widely investigated in environmental compartments and today, studies are mainly focused on particles of smaller dimensions (< 500 µm). However, as there are no relevant standards or policies for the preparation and analysis of complex water samples containing such particles, the results may be questionable. Therefore, a methodological approach for 10 µm to 500 µm microplastic analysis was developed using μ-FTIR spectroscopy coupled with the siMPle analytical software. This was undertaken on different water samples (sea, fresh, and wastewater) taking into consideration rinsing water, digestion protocols, collection of microplastics, and sample characteristics. Ultrapure water was the optimal rinsing water and ethanol was also proposed with a mandatory previous filtration. Although water quality could give some guidelines for the selection of digestion protocols, it is not the only decisive factor. The methodology approach by μ-FTIR spectroscopy was finally assessed to be effective and reliable. This improved quantitative and qualitative analytical methodology for microplastic detection can then be used to assess the removal efficiency of conventional and membrane treatment processes in different water treatment plants.
J. Yang, M. Monnot, Y. Sun, L. Asia, P. Wong-Wah-Chung, et al.. Microplastics in different water samples (seawater, freshwater, and wastewater): Methodology approach for characterization using micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Water Research, 2023, 232, pp.119711. ⟨10.1016/j.watres.2023.119711⟩. ⟨hal-04055825⟩
J. Yang, H.D. de Vries, A. Mayeuf-Louchart, J.H. Stroeve, V.W. Bloks, et al.. Role of bile acid receptor FXR in development and function of brown adipose tissue. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2023, 1868 (2), pp.159257. ⟨10.1016/j.bbalip.2022.159257⟩. ⟨hal-04455246⟩ Plus de détails...
J. Yang, H.D. de Vries, A. Mayeuf-Louchart, J.H. Stroeve, V.W. Bloks, et al.. Role of bile acid receptor FXR in development and function of brown adipose tissue. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2023, 1868 (2), pp.159257. ⟨10.1016/j.bbalip.2022.159257⟩. ⟨hal-04455246⟩
Journal: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, Mathias Monnot, Cordier Clémence, Philippe Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04543477⟩ Plus de détails...
Sturgeon farming requires special attention. In addition to a relatively long rearing, climate change has resulted in increasingly high temperatures favorable to the emergence of pathogens. The control of water quality is essential especially the first years of life of the fish to prevent a mimivirus (AcIV-E) and a mycobacterium (Mycobacterium liflandii). These crises can lead to significant mortality (up to 70%) and have only been documented in hatchery populations where mortality can reach as high as 100 %. Mycobacterium liflandii, fatally affects young generations of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) mainly in year N + 1 with mortalities reaching 30 % when river temperatures rise above 21 °C (summer period). The retention of these pathogenic microorganisms and of total flora by ultrafiltration was evaluated at a semi-industrial scale. The first part focuses on the specific removal of mimivirus, total flora and mycobacteria and the second part aims to evaluate over the long term (5 months) the hydraulic performances of the ultrafiltration process. Although the temperature (maximum 21 °C) was not sufficient for the mycobacteria to be detected, a good retention of mimiviruses (up to 4.7 log removal) and total flora was observed throughout the study. A more stable water quality was obtained after ultrafiltration and this work confirms the potential great interest of ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production.
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, Mathias Monnot, Cordier Clémence, Philippe Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04543477⟩
J. Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, L. Simonian, et al.. Ultrafiltration as tertiary treatment for municipal wastewater reuse. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 272, pp.118921. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118921⟩. ⟨hal-03597706⟩ Plus de détails...
Water reuse is an enduring topic that benefits the society and future generations of mankind. Ultrafiltration (UF) is one of the most cost-effective treatment technologies for improving water quality. In this study, a semiindustrial UF pilot plant with periodical classic backwash (CB) and air backwash (AB) was operated automatically to evaluate its feasibility and sustainability for municipal wastewater reuse and find out the optimized filtration condition. This study carried out 15 filtration conditions to investigate the impacts of flux (J in L center dot h-1 center dot m- 2), filtration cycle time (t in min), and air backwash frequency (BW) on membrane hydraulic filtration performance and membrane fouling management. Through comparative analysis of all conditions in water quality, permeability variation, irreversible fouling management, and water recovery rates, the sustainable conditions J80t40BW1/3 (flux of 80 L center dot h- 1 center dot m- 2, filtration cycle time of 40 min, 1 AB followed with 3 CBs), J60t60BW1/4 (flux of 60 L center dot h- 1 center dot m- 2, filtration cycle time of 60 min, 1 AB followed with 4 CBs), and J60t60BW1/ 3 (flux of 60 L center dot h- 1 center dot m- 2, filtration cycle time of 60 min, 1 AB followed with 3 CBs), stood out from the others with higher overall performances. Additionally, air backwash showed excellent reversibility on membrane fouling control, which was around 1.25-2 times that of CB in average. After all, long term operation on condition J60t60BW1/3 in winter and in summer confirmed that the UF system could provide sustainable and adaptable filtration performance regardless of the temperature and feed water quality. The UF permeate quality is good enough to be reused in non-potable applications as it met reuse guidelines of the World Health Organization, reuse standards of France and the most recent EU regulation for agricultural irrigation. This work confirms the great interest of UF as tertiary treatment for water reuse and gives operational indications for future industrialscale production of reclaimed water.
J. Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, L. Simonian, et al.. Ultrafiltration as tertiary treatment for municipal wastewater reuse. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 272, pp.118921. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118921⟩. ⟨hal-03597706⟩
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, Lionel Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Impact of Chlorinated-Assisted Backwash and Air Backwash on Ultrafiltration Fouling Management for Urban Wastewater Tertiary Treatment. Membranes, 2021, 11 (10), pp.733. ⟨10.3390/membranes11100733⟩. ⟨hal-03514663⟩ Plus de détails...
To improve membrane fouling management, the NaClO-assisted backwash has been developed to improve permeability maintenance and reduce the need for intensive chemical cleanings. This study is aimed to focus on the efficiency of NaClO-assisted backwash in real UF pilot scale and with periodic classic backwash (CB) and air backwash (AB). The impacts on hydraulic filtration performance, physicochemical properties of membrane material under different addition frequencies of NaClO, and the performance of chlorinated CB and AB will be discussed. In result, 10 mg Cl2 L−1 NaClO addition in backwash water is confirmed to greatly improve the overall filtration performance and backwash cleaning efficiency. One condition stands out from the other due to better control of irreversible fouling, less NaClO consumption in 10 years prediction, sustainable and adaptable filtration performance, and less potential damage on the physicochemical properties of the membrane. Additionally, it can be inferred from this experiment that frequent contact with NaClO induced some degradation on the PES-made UF membrane surface properties. To retain the best state of UF membrane on anti-fouling and qualified production, the optimized condition with more frequent NaClO contact was not suggested for long-term filtration.
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, Lionel Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Impact of Chlorinated-Assisted Backwash and Air Backwash on Ultrafiltration Fouling Management for Urban Wastewater Tertiary Treatment. Membranes, 2021, 11 (10), pp.733. ⟨10.3390/membranes11100733⟩. ⟨hal-03514663⟩
J. Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, L. Simonian, et al.. Ultrafiltration as tertiary treatment for municipal wastewater reuse. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 272, pp.118921. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118921⟩. ⟨hal-03514681⟩ Plus de détails...
Water reuse is an enduring topic that benefits the society and future generations of mankind. Ultrafiltration (UF) is one of the most cost-effective treatment technologies for improving water quality. In this study, a semiindustrial UF pilot plant with periodical classic backwash (CB) and air backwash (AB) was operated automatically to evaluate its feasibility and sustainability for municipal wastewater reuse and find out the optimized filtration condition. This study carried out 15 filtration conditions to investigate the impacts of flux (J in L center dot h-1 center dot m- 2), filtration cycle time (t in min), and air backwash frequency (BW) on membrane hydraulic filtration performance and membrane fouling management. Through comparative analysis of all conditions in water quality, permeability variation, irreversible fouling management, and water recovery rates, the sustainable conditions J80t40BW1/3 (flux of 80 L center dot h- 1 center dot m- 2, filtration cycle time of 40 min, 1 AB followed with 3 CBs), J60t60BW1/4 (flux of 60 L center dot h- 1 center dot m- 2, filtration cycle time of 60 min, 1 AB followed with 4 CBs), and J60t60BW1/ 3 (flux of 60 L center dot h- 1 center dot m- 2, filtration cycle time of 60 min, 1 AB followed with 3 CBs), stood out from the others with higher overall performances. Additionally, air backwash showed excellent reversibility on membrane fouling control, which was around 1.25-2 times that of CB in average. After all, long term operation on condition J60t60BW1/3 in winter and in summer confirmed that the UF system could provide sustainable and adaptable filtration performance regardless of the temperature and feed water quality. The UF permeate quality is good enough to be reused in non-potable applications as it met reuse guidelines of the World Health Organization, reuse standards of France and the most recent EU regulation for agricultural irrigation. This work confirms the great interest of UF as tertiary treatment for water reuse and gives operational indications for future industrialscale production of reclaimed water.
J. Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, L. Simonian, et al.. Ultrafiltration as tertiary treatment for municipal wastewater reuse. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 272, pp.118921. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118921⟩. ⟨hal-03514681⟩
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Water Reuse from Municipal Secondary Effluent by Ultrafiltration Becomes a Reality More than Ever. Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science, 2020, 5 (3), pp.655-659. ⟨hal-02958224⟩ Plus de détails...
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Water Reuse from Municipal Secondary Effluent by Ultrafiltration Becomes a Reality More than Ever. Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science, 2020, 5 (3), pp.655-659. ⟨hal-02958224⟩
Journal: Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Water Reuse from Municipal Secondary Effluent by Ultrafiltration Becomes a Reality More than Ever. Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science, 2020, 5 (3), pp.655-659. ⟨10.32474/OAJESS.2020.05.000214⟩. ⟨hal-03232125⟩ Plus de détails...
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, T. Eljaddi, L. Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Water Reuse from Municipal Secondary Effluent by Ultrafiltration Becomes a Reality More than Ever. Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science, 2020, 5 (3), pp.655-659. ⟨10.32474/OAJESS.2020.05.000214⟩. ⟨hal-03232125⟩
Journal: Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, Lionel Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Membrane-Based Processes Used in Municipal Wastewater Treatment for Water Reuse: State-Of-The-Art and Performance Analysis. Membranes, 2020, 10 (6), pp.131. ⟨10.3390/membranes10060131⟩. ⟨hal-02891720⟩ Plus de détails...
Wastewater reuse as a sustainable, reliable and energy recovery concept is a promising approach to alleviate worldwide water scarcity. However, the water reuse market needs to be developed with long-term efforts because only less than 4% of the total wastewater worldwide has been treated for water reuse at present. In addition, the reclaimed water should fulfill the criteria of health safety, appearance, environmental acceptance and economic feasibility based on their local water reuse guidelines. Moreover, municipal wastewater as an alternative water resource for non-potable or potable reuse, has been widely treated by various membrane-based treatment processes for reuse applications. By collecting lab-scale and pilot-scale reuse cases as much as possible, this review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the membrane-based treatment processes, mainly focused on the hydraulic filtration performance, contaminants removal capacity, reuse purpose, fouling resistance potential, resource recovery and energy consumption. The advances and limitations of different membrane-based processes alone or coupled with other possible processes such as disinfection processes and advanced oxidation processes, are also highlighted. Challenges still facing membrane-based technologies for water reuse applications, including institutional barriers, financial allocation and public perception, are stated as areas in need of further research and development.
Jiaqi Yang, Mathias Monnot, Lionel Ercolei, Philippe Moulin. Membrane-Based Processes Used in Municipal Wastewater Treatment for Water Reuse: State-Of-The-Art and Performance Analysis. Membranes, 2020, 10 (6), pp.131. ⟨10.3390/membranes10060131⟩. ⟨hal-02891720⟩