
The professors of the M2P2 laboratory teach at Aix Marseille University and Centrale Méditerranée

Mechanics and Process Engineering at AMU & Centrale Méditerranée

Aix-Marseille University and Centrale Méditerranée offer a complete range of training in the fields of Mechanics, Process Engineering and Energy. These trainings, in which M2P2's research professors take part, extend from the High School level to the PhD level and also cover different fields from technological applications and systems engineering to fundamental fields of knowledge. 

Teaching level Bac+3 / 3 years after the High School

Aix-Marseille University, BUT Aix-Marseille (web site IUT)

  • BUT Energy Transition and Efficiency Professions
  • BUT Chemical Engineering, Process Engineering
  • BUT Chemistry
  • BUT Biological Engineering
  • BUT Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

Aix-Marseille University, Faculty of Sciences (FS) & BUT (IUT)

  • Bachelor's degree in Engineering Sciences 
  • Bachelor's degree of Science in Chemistry - Process Engineering 
  • Bachelor's degree of Physics 
  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanics 
  • Energy and Climate Engineering Vocational degree : "Management and Maintenance of Energy Installations" and "Energy Management and Renewable Energy" specialties 

Teaching level Bac+5 / 5 years after the High School

Aix-Marseille Université, Faculty of Sciences (FS)

  • Mechanics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Process and Bio-Process Engineering

Centrale Méditerranée 
- Diplôme d'ingénieur Centrale Méditerranée
  • Option GREEN (biotechnoloGies, ingénieRie, Energie, Environnement)   (GREEN)
  • Option MECA (MECAnique)   (MECA)
  • Option OMIS (Organisations, Mathématiques et Informatique pour les Services)   (OMIS)
Masters co-habilités en Mécanique, Physique et Ingénierie et Génie des Procédés

Polytech Marseille - cycle ingénieur AMU (site web)

Teaching level Bac+8 / 8 years after the High School

Aix-Marseille Université & Centrale Méditerranée

  • PhD School « Engineering Sciences » ED353